Grab Your FREE Autographed Copy Of My CD

"Seven Song Sampler 2024"...

Click to play the video and listen to snippets of the seven songs!

I've purchased a small quantity of "Seven Song Sampler 2024" CDs to autograph and give to my core supporters.

I made this sampler CD to help you get to know my music better!

It's Free!

I only ask that you pay the shipping & handling.

This is a limited time offer! 

Grab it now while supplies last!


Available ONLY in USA. (For Now)

Thank you for supporting me and listening to my music!

Click "Add to Cart" to get your Free CD!

$15.00 $0.00
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Outside the USA, or you just don't like CD's?

Click the button, and I'll send you the MP3 album!
